People behind the movement.

“This is about getting morally and ethically-driven candidates elected to power and taking the fight right to the heart of the political establishment.”


Reliance is a movement comprised of candidates who are independent with a shared set of ideals, who are accountable, community-focused and with a moral compass who strive to change the broken political system that represents the interests of the establishment and preserves the status quo.


We no longer accept our broken politics or our votes being taken for granted. Be it Conservative or Labour, our political establishment is no longer fit for purpose and that urgently needs to change. We want political representatives who put the interests of communities ahead of their parties and major donors, and bring about the meaningful change that is so desperately needed to transform lives and rebuild our communities.

Why I’m supporting Reliance.

"Reliance candidates have had careers outside of politics and been rooted in their communities; shaping their views, through real-world experience rather than theoretical policies."

- Chloe Deeds

Join the movement.

Make a powerful contribution with whatever you can to bring about much needed change in British politics.

We’re collecting funds, volunteers and vote-pledges to aid your local Reliance candidate. Every contribution matters and fuels progress for this dynamic political movement.