Real political alliance with the people.

The collective voice of the community. Representing people, not power. Independent unbound by party politics, dedicated to representing and delivering for the underrepresented, unheard and most vulnerable. We are Reliance.

Rely on us. We stand for you.

Real representation

Reliance Parliamentary candidates are free from the constraints of party politics, allowing them to truly represent the interests of the people in their local communities.

Real people

Our candidates are chosen on their understanding of and connection to the constituency they look to serve. They are not parachuted in from Westminster.

Real action

Our political movement understands the pressures, problems and opportunities that real people contend with. And it’s this that sets our priorities, not party loyalties and interests.

What we stand for


Reliance strives for a politics that is ethical, genuinely representative, openly accountable, and which ultimately makes a difference to the lives of people.

We will do this by focusing on the concerns of communities and fighting to make the changes that are needed at every level of society, no matter how big or small, by embracing bold, transformative policies, both at home and abroad.

  • Ethical foreign policy

  • Enhanced workers’ rights

  • Better health and social care

  • Higher education standards

  • Proper access to housing

  • True community cohesion

  • Peoples’ priorities, not parties’

Support Reliance.

Support a real political alliance for the people, become part of the movement.